Through improved access to electricity and modern fuels, both women and men can have time to engage...
Author - admin
Introduction and Effective Practices – Fact sheet 1
This is the first factsheet of three on Efforts and Benefits of Mainstreaming Gender
Initiatives at Regional and National Levels – Fact sheet 2
The second factsheet of three on Efforts and Benefits of Mainstreaming Gender
SADC Protocol on Energy (1996)
The SADC Protocol on Energy of 1996 intends to promote the harmonious development of national...
SADC Gender Policy
SADC Gender Policy provided a sound, authoritative, coherent and strategic mechanism for achieving...
Revised Regional Indicative Strategic Development Plan 2015-2020
The Revised RISDP is a blueprint for regional integration and development, and the document...
African Union Gender Policy
The main purpose of the Gender Policy is to establish a clear vision and make commitments to guide...
Revised SADC Protocol on Gender and Development
The Objectives of the Protocol ,among others, is to provide for the empowerment of women, eliminate...
SADC Gender and Renewable Energy Network – Fact sheet 3
This is the third factsheet of three on Efforts and Benefits of Mainstreaming Gender in the SADC...
SADC Industrialization Strategy and Roadmap 2015 – 2063
The Strategy is anchored on three pillars namely; industrialization as champion of economic and...